Brief Intro

No personal things about myself that I want to share. Everything you should know was expressed here in my blog. Realizations, it is. So I hope you’ll read everything and have fun. 😉 I’m not an expert in this one, everything is just about what I envision.


The “Masaya ka ba?” (Are you happy?) started with just one photo I edited. And the photo below is what I’m referring:


Then I realized that “Masaya ka ba?” is a way to make people realize if they are really happy. It made me realize that to. Unfortunately, I’m not a hundred percent sure if I was. Enough of that, going back to the “Masaya ka ba?” It makes people think of their situation at present times. If they are just escaping to dramas, and so glitches are just being cache. Or they are just really happy. Acceptance is one key to happiness. Accepting yourself with your imperfection, that’s the best recipe. 😉 So now, I want to end this with asking you, “MASAYA KA BA?”

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